Land Rights NetworkAmerican Land Rights AssociationPO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973E-mail: alra@pacifier.comWeb Address: http://www.landrights.orgLegislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE - Washington, DC 20003
Clinton, Gore, Babbitt Gang Taking Over Obama Natural Resources
Obama prepares to finish Babbitt's "War on the West."Rural America in grave danger!!Please forward this message as widely as possible-quickly!-----Draft of Environmental Organization Transition Plan For ObamaAdministration Can Be Found At Omnibus Bill Report below.-----Special Note: This plan is the Environmental Group outline for thenext four to eight years of the Obama Administration for the NaturalResources part of the Government. Interior, Agriculture, Corps ofEngineers, Environmental Protection Agency, Council on Environmental Qualityand others.The change you've been waiting for is just about to arrive. And on Federallands and property rights issues, the change looks like a return to the badold days of Bill Clinton and Bruce Babbitt's War on the West.Leading the Obama transition team for the Interior Department are DavidHayes and John Leshy. Hayes was Deputy Secretary of the Interior underSecretary Babbitt in the Clinton Administration. Hayes now works for the World Wildlife Fund. Leshy was Solicitor General ofthe Interior Department under Babbitt. Leshy has spent his whole careertrying to get natural resource producers, especially small miners, offFederal lands.Both Hayes and Leshy have been mentioned as on the list to be Obama's choicefor Interior Secretary. Incredibly, some of the other names being mentionedare even worse. Most of them served in the Clinton Administration and mostof them have worked for one of the radical preservationist groups.Think back to what those years--1993 to 2001--were like when Clinton andBabbitt were waging their War on the West.Logging stopped in our National Forests.Grazing permittees harassed and arrested.Huge areas closed to entry under the General Mining Law.Trails closed to off-roaders and snow-mobilers.Thousands of miles of roads closed by the Roadless Rule.Inholders denied access to their own property.Hundreds of species listed as endangered under the ESA.Now, the same people who gave us the Roadless Rule are getting ready to comeback. They didn't get everything locked up and closed down during the eightClinton years largely because the Republicans won control of the House andSenate. But now Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House and Harry Reid isSenate Majority Leader. The radical preservationists that staffed Babbitt's Interior Department wantto finish what they started.Lock it up.Close it down.No natural resource production allowed.Recreation and hunting prohibited on millions of more acres.Huge new Wilderness Areas.Hundreds and hundreds more endangered species listings.Even widespread condemnation of private inholdings is on their agenda.The 26,000,000 acre National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) is a firstclass example of what they are going to try to do nationally.Here's what you need to do to stop the second War on the West.Deluge your Senators office (For the New Congress) to urge them not toapprove John Leshy, David Hayes or any other Babbitt Interior DepartmentAlumni as Secretary of Interior. You do not want to have to fight forsurvival in a new Obama War On The West. Call any Senator at (202) 224-3121.Ask for their e-mail and/or fax number. Send them a letter opposing the newWar On The West. You must act quickly. -----Urgent Action Required --------You successfully defeated the giant Omnibus Federal Land Grab Bill.But Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority Leader, promises that it willbe high if not first on his agenda in the new Congress.-----You must be all over your Senators like a cheap suit by phone, fax ande-mail to head of this terrible land grab. Call Any Senator at (202)224-3121. Chuck CushmanExecutive
Montana Water Court’s astounding deprivation of due process |
by Lawrence A. Kogan Esq.
The United States (“USG”) lacks standing under Article III of ...
3 months ago
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